Impact on the Organization

A rapidly changing world economy, an information processing environment, and customer focus introduce many questions and uncertainties into previously stable industries. Being able to take the lead in change, focus on new directions within an industry,  and problem-solve new ways to meet customer expectations are essential to keeping your business moving forward in an ever-changing  environment.

Learning Objectives

  • Function in a changing environment.
  • Adapt current processes to address changes and future needs.
  • Incorporate creativity into your management style.
  • Identify your personal skill set and the skill sets of direct report employees.
  • Assess and develop a plan for utilizing the identified skill sets.
  • Assess and identify missing skill sets, and develop a plan to fill in the gaps.
  • Learn how to plan and implement change.
  • Refine presentation skills to effectively present plans for change to management.

Program Description

This managerial level program asks, and answers, six key questions:

  1. What do I need to do?
  2. What talent do I have to work with?
  3. Based on the talent I have, how best can I use it?
  4. What gaps do I have and how do I close them?
  5. How do I hire the talent I need?
  6. How do I plan and implement change?
  7. How do I put it all together and present it to management?

The participants, who work in functional teams when appropriate, begin by taking a detailed look at their current external and internal stakeholders, what these stakeholders need from them, whether they are fulfilling that need, and how they can better fulfill it as the environment changes.

Staffing and delegation are then examined in light of stakeholders’ needs and company-specific personnel assessment tools. The identified needs and available talent are analyzed and mapped against one another to identify future problems. The next session is devoted to creativity, and how to develop and use it to provide flexible answers to the questions change introduces. The remainder of the course focuses on managerial skills: interviewing to fulfill newly identified personnel skills, creating the management plans necessary to adapt to change, and presenting new ideas to management.

Time Investment

40 hours.


This program can be customized to include your organization’s procedures, policies, cases, examples and terminology. Kindly inquire about these consulting services.