Impact on the Organization

This workshop helps participants understand and master the skills needed to communicate more effectively. Participants will have the opportunity to assess their specific strengths and opportunities for improvement, and then practice the specific skills and tools they need to improve.

Topics covered in this workshop include: sending clear messages, non-verbal communication, active listening, and giving and receiving feedback.Participants also develop a communication action plan to assist them in successfully making the improvements they have identified.

Program Description

Technical Writing

(Two  4-hour sessions)

  • Identify  principles of good writing
  • Learn  better techniques for presenting data and technical information
  • Understand  and master formats, templates, and company standards
  • Practice  writing more clearly

Participants  will receive criticism on a piece of technical writing.

Technical  Presentation Skills

(Three  4-hour sessions)

  • Plan a presentation to meet audience needs
  • Organize a presentation for maximum impact and recall
  • Present ideas to a targeted audience in a clear and organized  manner
  • Organize and present technical data so it “communicates”
  • Learn four winning methods for delivering a presentation
  • Deliver presentations more powerfully

Participants  will prepare and deliver a presentation. They will be videotaped and receive expert  feedback.

Project Management: Requirements  Definition and Management

(Three  4-hour sessions)

  • Managing  requirements – Types, definitions, reviews, and maintenance
  • Levels  of requirements – Defining levels, specifications, etc.
  • Writing  requirements and common problems
  • Elements  – Allocation, rationale, verification, etc.

Participants  will prepare and/or review requirements for one project.

Negotiation Skills

(One  4-hour session)

  • Understand the Win/Win and Give/Get philosophies of negotiating
  • Identify and apply effective tools and  techniques to improve negotiation skills
  • Relate the Six Steps in Negotiating to a current situation or  challenge
  • Practice the Six Steps in Negotiation

Participants  will prepare and practice one negotiation session.


(One  4-hour session)

  • Identify  the purpose and definitions of mentoring
  • Discuss  the mentoring process
  • Use  tools for positive mentoring
  • Practice  key skills in mentoring

Participants  will prepare and practice a mentoring session.

Time Investment

40 hours.


This program can be customized to reflect your organization’s procedures, policies, cases, examples, and terminology. Please inquire about these optional consulting services.