Nearly all HR departments must deal again and again with topics like Time Management, Sexual Harassment, Goal Setting, Managing Conflict and more. Rudimentary, yet critical, parts of a training regimen in every organization.
Rather than develop your own programs, it is often easier to find “off the shelf” materials you can adopt for your needs. However, you may have to get these materials from several different sources… none of which exactly fits your specific objectives. You can spend a lot of time researching and reviewing programs and often end up trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.
Up-Front Cost is Not the Only Consideration
A “canned” program may not be as expensive as developing your own from scratch, but how cost effective, really, is this training solution over the long term? Even as you grow your company and train more employees, the costs for off-the-shelf workbooks and other training aids will continue to recur at nearly the same rate year after year. You will always have to buy instruments and workbooks to accomplish that course.
Another drawback is these training programs are static. Rarely will you find one which will continue to meet your needs in a future where the trend is to align training with changing corporate strategic goals. So you may find yourself continually reviewing new programs … knowing you will never find one that exactly meets your standards.
In addition, your “clients,” the trainees, will retain less and get less benefit from programs which don’t have 100% relevancy to their jobs and needs.
Excellence Can be Efficient and Affordable
At Quest we’ve studied a wide variety of training solutions. We have case studies showing the more relevant and closer to the specific interests of an organization, the better the comprehension, memory and practices of the techniques taught. Today, making your training programs more company-specific, durable and personal is easier than you might think.
As an example, imagine taking apart an existing Conflict Management program and rebuilding it to your own company’s needs. Using examples of conflict situations your employees face every day. Including terminology your employees use. And offering specific solutions they can understand. Plus, overlaying your own management philosophies and company-specific details to help focus on the key results you want.
This method can be repeated for as many different programs as you need. So investment to develop each program need only be a one-time occurrence as you build your own training library. Not from scratch, but from a basis of sound and proven practices. You needn’t “re-invent the wheel” to get tailor-made instruments and workbooks that are yours. You will own them. You can change them, update them and reproduce them over and over for any and all training needs. You can even translate and adapt them for overseas operations.
And your return on investment increases every time you use your company-specific training programs. Up front costs are amortized over the years, as each course becomes less costly to present to each new generation of employees.
A Round Peg in a Round Hole … Always
One of the very best things about developing your own company-specific materials is they will never be out of date or irrelevant. As corporate strategy changes, your materials can be updated quickly and easily. As labor, technology, safety, economic and other conditions vary, it’s exceptionally easy to update your training materials to fit the situation.
That’s where Quest comes in. We can set up and launch your corporate training library quickly and easily. You choose the basic programs you need from the Quest library of 70+ titles. Proven programs developed by experts, for and with some of the most successful, innovative and exciting organizations on the planet.
Then we collect information about your organization, goals, practices, philosophies. Taking essential material from the basic course, we drop what you don’t need, add in your own specific content and provide all the tailor made instruments, workbooks and materials you need for your programs.